
2023/2024 – SOMALIA – WATERback


The drought prevailing in Somalia is forcing people to migrate in search of food and water. Our project focuses on the Banaadir region, which is one of the five regions in the country where the most internally displaced persons have settled. Approximately 95 per cent of them live in urban areas, where humanitarian conditions are dire and rapid displacement exceeds the capacity of the humanitarian system to provide assistance. Many have taken refuge in newly established internally displaced persons (IDP) camps or existing, overcrowded camps, putting enormous pressure on limited supplies of basic services such as access to water.

To counter further forced migration and the risk of hunger among IDPs around Mogadishu, Polish Humanitarian Action is providing assistance in terms of access to water, sanitation infrastructure and hygiene to meet the urgent needs of the most vulnerable persons. Our activities include both immediate and long-term responses.

To respond to the challenges of safe water shortages, rising prices due to drought and the influx of additional IDPs, PHA is building new water infrastructure, including storage systems, reservoirs and distribution networks. We are working with private well owners to supply water to IDP camps in the Banaadir region. In addition, we are providing essential spare parts (such as submersible pumps and generators) and developing sustainable water management committees to ensure continuity of water and sanitation services.

Within the framework of the project, we are also installing 235 new sanitation facilities in the camps. These facilities will be safe for users of all ages and genders, as well as accessible to persons with disabilities. We will also provide hand-washing facilities, and at least 15% of them will be adapted to the needs of persons with disabilities.

We are also running hygiene promotion campaigns, during which we highlight the need to improve hygiene practices to prevent diseases (such as diarrhoea and cholera). We also provide solid waste management tools and distribute hygiene kits for 3,000 households, including menstrual hygiene products.

These activities will provide assistance to 25,714 internally displaced persons.

Duration of the project: 1st June 2023 – 31st May 2024
Location: Kaxda and Deynile districts, Banaadir region, Somalia
Donor: Somalia Humanitarian Fund (SHF)/OCHA

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