


The project aims to improve access to safe drinking water, sanitation and dignified hygiene conditions among drought-affected Somalis, particularly internally displaced persons. Its main objective is to reduce morbidity and mortality associated with lack of access to drinking water and consumption of non-potable water.

To prevent this, we build and repair wells and elevated and underground water tanks. We work with borehole owners to ensure that safe water is available for drinking, bathing and other domestic purposes. We also build water and sanitation infrastructure in camps for internally displaced persons, such as water stations, taps and pipelines. We thus provide water fit for drinking, bathing and other domestic purposes. We also expand water distribution networks and, in case of emergency, transport water so that we reach newly displaced households in the Banaadir, Galgaduud, Hiraan and Mudug regions. To ensure effective management of the water delivery systems, we are employing water station ‘caretakers’ from among the internally displaced community to monitor water distribution, maintain cleanliness and perform minor repairs.

In addition to providing water, we also focus on improving sanitation infrastructure and managing the solid waste disposal system. We provide sanitation facilities for safe waste disposal, distribute hygiene kits and soap, and build showers for women and children. In addition, we implement a solid waste management strategy, including building human capacity, distributing sanitation tools and waste collection containers, and facilitating clean-up campaigns.

In doing so, we ensure that the infrastructure we build is friendly for persons with disabilities.

Another element of the project involves activities aimed at reducing the risk of natural disasters (such as floods and droughts) and preparing communities for their occurrence. We focus on strengthening flood control infrastructure in high-risk areas. We also provide training on disaster risk reduction and involve the community in strengthening and rebuilding flood control infrastructure such as river embankments. By reducing the damage caused by floods, we seek to protect infrastructure, crops and households.

We also provide financial support to newly displaced families so that they can meet their immediate needs. We also distribute kits of hygiene and non-food items to improve their living conditions.

In total, nearly 64,000 people will be assisted by this project: almost 55,000 people will benefit from water and sanitation activities and 9,000 from natural disaster risk reduction activities.

Duration of the project: 1st May 2023 – 30th April 2024
Location: Hiraan and Middle Shabelle in Hirshabelle State, Galgadud in Galmudug State and Banaadir and Mogadishu in Banaadir State, Somalia.
Donor: ECHO
Partner: Mercy-USA for Aid and Development

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