Aid in South Sudandonate


South Sudan gained independence in 2011, following a civil war which had lasted more than 20 years. However, the country is still torn by internal conflicts. The situation is further aggravated by unfavourable climate conditions and an economic crisis. Consequently, many of the South Sudanese people migrate to other parts of their country or they migrate abroad in search of safe shelter, clean water and food.

The situation in the country is very unstable, there is a lack of primary services and natural disasters, such as floods, affect people every year. It is estimated that almost 1/4 of the Sudanese population needs help. The conflict and evictions and the strong floods that affected Sudan in 2019 caused food production difficultiesThe country maintains critical levels of malnutrition and significant food insecurity. 

The floods destroyed the water and sanitation infrastructure, making access to clean water and toilets very difficult. Current conditions intensify the risk of outbreaks of waterborne diseases. 


We have been operating in South Sudan since 2006. Our priority is to provide the local people with access to clean water and improved sanitation. We also conduct wide range of activities when it comes to food security and livelihood. Moreover, we support displaced communities with non-food items and shelters.

We build and repair wells, latrines and hand-washing stations. We make sure that good sanitary conditions are maintained in schools. We provide instruction in good hygiene practice, and we distribute hygiene kits containing the most important products which are indispensable for ensuring hygiene safety.

Our WASH Emergency Response Team makes regular checks of the quality and accessibility of clean water among the local communities, and it also sees to it that effective and immediate action is taken whenever an epidemic breaks out. We identify the needs of the local people and we provide them with appropriate tools and training so that they themselves can ensure their hygiene safety.

We help local communities to enhance effective food production by supporting them with trainings as well as distributing seeds, tools and irrigation equipment. We train people on modern and effective farming, open Field Farming Schools and cooperate with communities.

The aim of our activities is to increase people’s efficiency and resistance to potential next crises, not only by emergency response but also by creating opportunities for long-lasting changes.



2024-2026 – SOUTH SUDAN – WASH

Project duration: 1st January – 30th April 2026 
Location: South Sudan 
Donor: Horizon Europe 

PAH has joined the European consortium of 10 partners streamlining the cooperation between humanitarian aid organizations and the biobased sector that will identify the bio-based solutions for solid waste management applicable in humanitarian settings. One of the two chosen locations for testing the feasibility of such solutions is South Sudan…read more… 

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